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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"An Encounter that Changes Your Walk and Your Name"

Blessings on you all today!! I have been deeply pondering the transformation of Jacob to Israel and the intensity and the life shifting that occurred at "Mahanaim" where angels met him in Genesis 32. There's so much that can happen when you truly are "Touched By an Angel". The conclusion in verse 30-32 was he was blessed and saw God face to face and his life was preserved. Today we have the great opportunity to do this whenever we want. The exciting part is that when this occurs you can never leave the same way you came. These encounters are not just for yesterday but they are daily available to the ones that want them. It just took being available and getting clear of any distractions. I'm amazed how little it takes for a visitation to happen but it is soon forgotten unless a mark is left. Jacob not only was left limping but his name or destiny was shifted. No longer a supplanter but changed to Israel  a prince with God  having power with God and men. Not only was his name changed but he renamed the place "Peniel" which means the face of God. What an encounter that happens when you let the desire you have to be blessed push you not to let go without the blessing!! Minstrels, we have got to develop that sort of tenacity and resilience that whatever comes our way we won't allow our surroundings to stop us from getting all God has for us!! Let's go for it in this new millennium and fight for what God has that we want!! I want it so I can distribute it to the world so the gospel can achieve all that it was created to achieve!! Let's join together and let this happen!! Be blessed and don't let go until you get it all!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Worshipping allows transparency to be easier"

Worship involves intimacy and intimacy causes ease in transparency. When transparency happens there are no masks in the relationship thus true intimacy is created. When your worship gets here all your flaws are out in the open to the only one who can see your flaws and without judgement correct them. God's love and fellowship with us through this level of worship is unmatched by any other form of communication. His greatness overwhelms you and surrounds you in such a complete way that He is all you see and not the temporal surroundings that attempt to shadow His presence. When this occurs the reality of Who He is comes forth and true worship is achieved. Let's be open to Him and all He wants to reveal to us today!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Can music change the atmosphere in you life?

When you select the right sound, play the right song, write the right lyric, atmospheres are changed. Suicidal people are lifted to another level in their mindsets. It is the minstrel's responsibility to create openings in the heavens and those openings allows glimpses into the heavenly realm. When the heavenly realm is opened your future is viewed from a brighter perspective when heaven is open!!

A New Day

Today is a new day. When I first started making music there were very strict parameters in place as far as style and expression in gospel music. Since those days of heavy restriction many new sounds have arisen and we have branched out into more of a hybrid sound meshing many different styles together and now there is more freedom. There will always be a basic organic sound and now many are striving to revisit the older sound because it seems to carry a spirit that has been lost. In this age of auto tune and synthetics, many of us that grew up in the 60's and 70's are going for the authenticity that we heard in music growing up and blending technology for precision however not allowing our gadgets to remove the feeling we want to achieve in our groove. Let's explorer this further as we grow in our observations!! Create a flow minstrels and open your mind to possibilities unreached before!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome Minstrels!!

Finally a place for minstrels to dialogue about our issues,concerns and just a place for us to connect and air our differences!! Hope this will be a blessing to all of us out here. This is not just for church players because there are many of us that no longer play in church because we've been isolated because of our issues!!