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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Can music change the atmosphere in you life?

When you select the right sound, play the right song, write the right lyric, atmospheres are changed. Suicidal people are lifted to another level in their mindsets. It is the minstrel's responsibility to create openings in the heavens and those openings allows glimpses into the heavenly realm. When the heavenly realm is opened your future is viewed from a brighter perspective when heaven is open!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes it can. No matter what I go through, I can play a worship CD & it will minister to me like Im in church. When I was going through a living hell, I played 6 songs over & over again, & watched the atmosphere change. My heart began to yield, & the problems that seems so large began to look small. It can cause you to take the focus off of you (me) & focus on one that is greater.
